Utah's Mountain Country Cabin Getaway
Backcountry Flying
Backcountry Flying
Practical Day Trips from Thunder Ridge Airpark
Starting with Mexican Mountain, the exploration by aircraft of back country airstrips with pleasant temperatures in practically every season begins less than a 30 minute flight from Thunder Ridge Airpark. Utah's diversity in backcountry and adventure flying and the Airpark's proximity, enables four season fly-in fun to that favorite remote airstrip . Create your own fly-in camping reunion at a nearby mountain airstrip on a cool July weekend or choose a day trip to a Utah airstrip deep in red rock canyon country during spring, fall, and even winter. Utah's backcountry airstrip exploration includes forested and mountain wilderness, deep canyon and red rock country, and the west desert Salt Flats. Fly-in and explore in more seasons with more pleasant temperatures than Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. Plus when Idaho is cold and seems too remote, our milder winters enable easy access to canyon country for convenient camping even in winter. Escape the summer heat, the winter smog, and the city noise and come fly with us. Enjoy the videos and be sure to check here to see how affordable a backcountry cabin on a big lot, including utilities really is.
Always check backcountry conditions before flying. Suggested links:
Utah Back Country Pilots: A group of enthusiasts dedicated to preserving and enjoying the incredible Utah back country. Utah has some remote landing strips open to the public. We believe these to be a national treasure. We donate our time and resources toward maintaining
and preserving this resource.
Shortfield.com is a community-driven, interactive directory of backcountry airstrips and off-airport landing sites. If you like backcountry flying and STOL airplanes, you're in the rights spot!